"How are you doing?" - How I Used To Respond vs. How I Respond Now

Hi. Ellieana here 👋.

When people ask you how you are doing, how do you respond? Do you spout out an automatic "good!" and be on your way? Do you share with them that you are actually really struggling because you're a homeowner and your pipes just burst, or you're a student and school is pretty overwhelming or (Insert here something that is going on in your life)? Because we all have things going on that we could talk about.

Well, I used to be the person who would always say "good!", even if I was most certainly not good.

I had a friend that I noticed would tell me how she really felt when I would ask her. Sometimes she would say she was doing well and I could tell she was! Other times she would say "Oh, ____ happened and it's really thrown me through a loop!"

And you know what? I absolutely 100% appreciated her honesty. It 1. made me feel like our conversation was authentic 2. made me feel like she cared enough about me to share her experiences with me and 3. showed me it's okay to tell people you're not doing so hot in life when you're not and explain to them you're doing great when you are!

I do sometimes still say I am doing well, or great, or good (even though that is improper English, oops). And I say those things because I really mean it. But you will find me other times saying something along the lines of, "You know what? I'm struggling a bit. ____ happened and it made me feel _____."

If there is one thing I have learned about starting the #TheInvisibleBattle blog it's that authenticity drives authenticity. When I am open and honest with people, they return the gesture! It's a miraculous thing and a great way to start relationships. Open and honest.

"Hey Ellieana, how are you doing today?"

I am doing okay. A solid 6/10. Personally, school is a bit much for me right now, winter is dragging, and the medicine I am on makes me feel I have cotton in my head. But I really am doing okay. I know life gets better and I know I have a great support system around me to carry me through the meh times.

So here I am sharing my experiences with you- good and bad.

Be patient and kind.


