Using My Hands

Hi. Ellieana here 👋.

I once had a therapist tell me, "Creating while using your hands can heal in ways nothing else can."

This has stuck in my head for awhile now. So, recently, in addition to medication, good sleep, and exercise, I started to create using my hands more frequently.

The one thing I love to create is photographs. I willed myself to take at least 5 new pictures every day. Most of the time these images don't make it past my editing software, but I have had so much fun with this challenge that I have started to view things differently! A berry isn't just a berry. Blinds hanging from the window aren't just blind. I had no idea there were different ways of seeing mundane items.

There were so many things around me that emitted beauty that I was so numb to. This activity has really opened up my eyes to everything that is around me and allows me to appreciate the small things.

Sometimes I think it is extremely hard to appreciate the small things when your mind feels stunted.

I have had wild success with this challenge to myself and I must pass the challenge onto whoever is reading this!

Take time and create 5 new things. It can be a drawing of 5 new words you just learned, a painting, a mud pie, a cake...  A N Y T H I N G so long as Y O U created it!

Here is what I have created this past week:

I don't put restraints on my creativity while I am doing the exercise. Because of this, my images may seem all over the place. 

I am okay with that. That is very on-brand with who I am. 

Lately, I have been struggling with feeling inadequate in the eyes of the world. I don't have my degree yet, I do not have any children, my cooking skills are subpar, blah, blah, blah...

But when I create something, I remind myself that I produced something this world has never seen before. 

It reminds me I have a purpose. 

It's always good to be reminded of that. 

So here I am, sharing my experiences with you-- good and bad. 

Be patient and kind. 


